Step Zero Miracles
Step Zero Miracles Podcast
I Don't Care What Anybody Thinks

I Don't Care What Anybody Thinks

But I do care about...

I wanted to share a quote that I heard today that I loved. Gabor Maté was on Jay Shetty's podcast, discussing how trauma shows up as guilt, fear, and shame, and how to unwrap old beliefs.

Gabor said, “I don't care what anybody thinks, but I do care about what I do and how it affects other people.”

I think today in our society, and even sharing here, I feel like I might be judged for what I do.

I feel like it's really hard to not think about what others think of you.

When I heard Gabor say this, at 80 years old, that he's decided that he doesn't care what anybody thinks, but he can still care about what he does and how it affects other people.

I feel like that's truly at the root of my core, and what I care most about.

How am I showing up in the world?

How is it affecting other people?

Am I helping?

Am I healing?

Or am I hindering?

Am I gossiping?

Am I making poor choices that might affect someone else in a negative way?

And if I can just stay true to who I am, and stay authentic to who I am, then

I don't have to care what anybody thinks,

but I do care about what I do and how it affects other people.

The whole thing is worth a listen. Check out Gabor Maté on Jay Shetty’s February 12, 2024 podcast: Why Your Trauma is Showing Up as Guilt, Fear, and Shame & How to Unwrap Yourself From the Past here.

Step Zero Miracles
Step Zero Miracles Podcast
Kaitlin Henry is 5 years alcohol-free. A divorced mother of three (ages 9, 7 & 6), grad school drop out turned life-coach, writer, and speaker, dedicated to helping intuitive women who want to reinvent themselves and find their purpose.
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Kaitlin Henry